When searching for a lawyer near me, you may be presented with many choices as to who to hire. If you have been injured in an accident in Pinellas County, you will likely find many advertisements from Tampa, Orlando, and[...]
The most recent attack on the citizens of Florida by Insurance Company lawyer and Republican Representative Tom Leek is in the form of HB 17, seeking to impose huge limits on what can be recovered in personal injury cases. Rep. Leek,[...]
When you hire St. Petersburg Personal Injury Attorneys McQuaid and Douglas, you are getting the strength, knowledge, and respect of a law firm which has been serving the Tampa Bay region for over 60 years. Very few other firms have that[...]
The level of communication between a client and the lawyer during a personal injury case is one of the most important factors of any case, and the least discussed. I hear complaints almost daily by potential clients seeking to change[...]
Losing a loved one is never easy, no matter the situation. Yet, losing a loved one before their time has come due to the negligence of another person can feel all the more painful. Wrongful death is a common type[...]